A set of side amber lights for a Suzuki mini van was purchased. They are smaller than the original lights but have a thicker profile. Seems more retro to me with this change.
I bought this classic style tax disc from eBay and thought it can be modded to give my fuel cover a classic look as well. http://www.ebay.com.sg/itm/221289609028?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649
I couldn't bring myself to put in all that effort! - and i'm too cheap to pay someone to do it. looks nice though.
Yes nice job. I was a little sceptical after seeing the first two filler flap pictures but the end result looks very good.
Thank you! I am very pleased with the mods this time round. Looking forward to get back the chromed parts. A couple of inspirations from here... maybe someone would like to give it a go too.
It has been awhile since I last posted. Hope everyone's getting on well with your ride. The chrome parts are finally back after much delay on the controlled chroming substance. Here's how they baked them in the oven.
Knocking them into its original position is a bit tricky. A couple of them took us a full 15mins just to get the positioning right.
Firstly, it was meant to look like an Aston Martin. But if I can get my hands on a Figaro, I would love to own it. In some countries, the cost of purchasing and maintaining a classic car is beyond most people. So I am happy to be able to afford a Copen and have my fun with it.
Another mod to share. I bought a module to attach to the passenger window button so that it has an Auto feature just like the driver side window. All I need now is another Auto button to complete the mod.
Does the box do both up and down? One thing I'd love is for the drivers window to go up and down on a single pull.