More cobra alarm

Discussion in 'Problems, Fixes, Tips...' started by Charlier, Dec 2, 2016.

  1. BarnsleyRob

    BarnsleyRob Copenworld Veteran

    Feb 2, 2017
    South Yorks
    2009/59 silver Copen 1298 cc (now gone to a new home)
    @Vin Petrol
    Thanks Vin. I wouldn't have a clue how to trace the wiring without a significant amount of collateral damage ensuing :(

    However, the wiring diagram will be useful if I can find an autoekectrician locally. When I spoke to Cobra tech support, he left me with the impression there were only 3 wires so the diagram was an eye opener. Having said that, he reckoned the bonnet switch was a black wire and I've managed to confirm that it's black at the switch without writing the car off !
  2. BarnsleyRob

    BarnsleyRob Copenworld Veteran

    Feb 2, 2017
    South Yorks
    2009/59 silver Copen 1298 cc (now gone to a new home)
    Hopefully this previous post will,provide the answer. I've already had a quick look at the gear-lever console and noticed one of the clips is broken so I'll have to go steady when I try and remove it later this week.

  3. BarnsleyRob

    BarnsleyRob Copenworld Veteran

    Feb 2, 2017
    South Yorks
    2009/59 silver Copen 1298 cc (now gone to a new home)
    Well this alarm is still driving me nuts.

    I rang a local auto electrician yesterday who just wanted to replace the system with a Toad equivalent for the thick end of £400. I tried to explain that the existing Cobra works but I just can't program a new fob to it. He reckoned nobody could do it and Cobra are now defunct - despite me telling him I have the PIN, instructions, and guidance from Cobra support. I may have to concede defeat and take the box out to send off to Cobra as they'll cod eboth fobs for free, albeit I have to pay postage etc.
  4. BarnsleyRob

    BarnsleyRob Copenworld Veteran

    Feb 2, 2017
    South Yorks
    2009/59 silver Copen 1298 cc (now gone to a new home)
    Well this discovery may save some heartache for any 1.3 owners in the UK with the Cobra 4138 alarm (3 button remote) fitted. The bonnet tamper switch is a single wire that is normally open when the bonnet is closed. If the bonnet is opened, the switch makes contact using the body fixing screws as the earth. The problem is that it's screwed to the scuttle panel which is plastic ! So, for the curious owner, try opening your bonnet and then lock the car with the remote and it will operate ok. Try the same with the boot open and it will beep because it's detected the open boot.

    To remedy this, I used a spare bit of wire from the spade connector on the bonnet wire direct to the battery -ve terminal and the alarm now beeps when the bonnet is left open and an attempt to arm the system.

    :swear: Inn thing still won't enter programming mode though.
  5. BarnsleyRob

    BarnsleyRob Copenworld Veteran

    Feb 2, 2017
    South Yorks
    2009/59 silver Copen 1298 cc (now gone to a new home)
    Well I now know where the alarm is fitted on my car ! Turns out that the unit wouldn't go into learning mode so we sent it to Cobra tech support who reprogrammed the remotes and sent it back for refitting.

    GR Millward in Sheffield removed the alarm on Friday and it was back on the road Tuesday at very reasonable cost. They also did a great job of fitting the DRL kit I bought on Amazon. Guess which auto electricians I'll be using in future !

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