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Key fob

Discussion in 'Problems, Fixes, Tips...' started by Waterhouse, Oct 15, 2012.

  1. MultiplexMan

    MultiplexMan Copenworld Regular

    Jul 5, 2011
    Sydney, Australia
    KIA Carnival YP, Copen
    Hmmm - quite a few different fobs. My Copen is an Australian delivered, Japanese spec 2004 659.

    Frt.JPG Back rB.jpg

    Currently reading Nick G's mod to make an integrated key/fob. This will be my next "project".
  2. miller

    miller Copenworld Newbie

    Jul 1, 2016
    Evo 1RS, E28 M535i
    Any links where I can buy a fob online? Our Copen came with just one key.....PITA to lean in to pop the boot....
  3. Number6

    Number6 Inactive User

    Apr 25, 2013
    2005 0.7L Copen
    I was quoted 120EUR from a locksmith that ONLY does car keys and fobs for one. They have to order it from Daihatsu, so I was told.

    You could have a chat with a local Toyota garage and see if they can source one. Part number is 89742-97204.

    If your car came with a single key, was it a black key or grey key? For your sake I hope a black key, as that's the master key. I made a video of adding new keys to the Copen, if you have a black key.

    If you only have a grey key, all you can do is get the key cloned and cut in a locksmith (Timpsons in Dublin certainly do this). You can't add any more keys to the immobiliser if you have a grey key. There is also shenanigans that you can do to one of the immo's chips to add more keys, but I've never tested this and doubt I ever will. The Copen uses a Texas 4C chip, so static code.
  4. miller

    miller Copenworld Newbie

    Jul 1, 2016
    Evo 1RS, E28 M535i
    Thanks, sadly its the grey key....so its a Daihatsu dealership for this one then. Online I can see the nearest one to me is in Wicklow, otherwise I have a Toyota dealership two miles away. Has anyone had any luck with Daihatsu parts through a Toyota dealer?
  5. Number6

    Number6 Inactive User

    Apr 25, 2013
    2005 0.7L Copen
    Toyota own Daihatsu. Daihatsu pulled out of Europe in 2010, so finding a dealer can be a bit difficult :)

    If you just want a spare key, get your grey one cloned at a locksmith - it'll work grand, just can't add any more keys to the car. FWIW, you can have 1 black key and I think 3 grey keys registered in the ECU. By registering, I mean it show the same static code from the chip in the key to the immobiliser.

    You could easily have 20 keys, all with the same immobiliser code, made.

    If I was in your position, I wouldn't waste the money on getting the immobiliser reprogrammed, just get some keys copied in a locksmith.
  6. mike1519

    mike1519 Copenworld Newbie

    Feb 1, 2017
    2005 Red Copen
    Hello Mate. fellow Sydney Copen drive (That' mine <---) How did you go with your replacement FOB? Toyota have quoted me anything upward of $400.00 :(
  7. marnob

    marnob Copenworld Regular

    Aug 7, 2014
    West Coast New Zealand
    Copen L880K 2004
    Unfortunately mine only came with a grey key. The chick I bought it off lost both.
    I bought a fob from Japan auctions. Replaced the battery, did all the things your sposed to do to program it but it never worked.
    Took it to a locksmith and he couldn't get it to sinc with the ECU. Said it was transmitting though?
    Really disappointing.
    I have been at a loss ever since.
    I also got another key from the UK, it was fine apart from the cutting was rough but a trim up here and its ok for a spare at least.
    Would luv to know why it doesn't work?
  8. ady_bod

    ady_bod Copenworld Newbie

    Dec 3, 2017
    Copen 1.3

    Hi guys. I'm a newbie here.
    I have a cobra fob that one with 2 round buttons. The big one to lock/unlock the doors and small one for the panic alarm. My problem is when I press the big button it just sets the alarm but not locking/unlocking the doors. I have to use the key for that. I've tried everything I could find here in order to pair the fob again. Did all the steps from here but still will not unlock or lock the doors. Anyone know what might be wrong?
  9. hamish inglis

    hamish inglis Copenworld Newbie

    Dec 3, 2017
    London UK
    Hi All, I'm trying to find a copen 2003 key fob, and can't find one anywhere.. anyone have an idea where to get one? i've tried Ebay and local dealers, but no luck. Any help would be appreciated. it looked like the picture MultiplexMan posted above.

  10. BarnsleyRob

    BarnsleyRob Copenworld Veteran

    Feb 2, 2017
    South Yorks
    2009/59 silver Copen 1298 cc (now gone to a new home)
    Sons can replicate most immobiliser chipped key fobs and Cobra will code a new remote fob to the alarm/immobiliser FOC but you have to disconnect it and send it off with the existing key fobs. The turn around is pretty good. Mine was sent on a Friday and I was back driving Noddy by Tuesday. Obviously that only helps UK owners as they’re based over here.

    One alternative is to buy a new Cobra unit of the same type. They use a multipoint connector (not dissimilar to a SCART) and come with 2 remote key fobs. Last time I looked they were about £150. The vendor is Cobracartech.
    ady_bod likes this.
  11. Salieri

    Salieri Copenworld Veteran

    Jun 19, 2012
    Used to have a White Copen, but I sold it in 2023
    hamish: The one you are looking for is a daihatsu one, not a cobra, sorry rob. You can get those at the daihatsu dealership only.

  12. Vin Petrol

    Vin Petrol Copenworld Regular

    Jan 21, 2017
    2004 0.7 Copen
    You can buy one new from Germany but it's 80 euros.


    I looked for Copen's breaking on Ebay, messaged a couple of the people and asked if they had one, got it for £25 delivered from a place down south, can't recall the name because I did it over the phone.

    Once you get one from whatever source, there's instructions how to add it on here somewhere if you search.
  13. BarnsleyRob

    BarnsleyRob Copenworld Veteran

    Feb 2, 2017
    South Yorks
    2009/59 silver Copen 1298 cc (now gone to a new home)
    @ady_bod Can you post a picture of which fob you’re looking for ?

    @Salieri I see what you mean. It looks like Daihatsu created bespoke keys for every market/day of the week ! I don’t have the black key for mine but luckily the Cobra unit handles all the remote locking and boot operations and Timpsons in the UK can clone the transponder built into the Daihatsu fob if need be.
  14. ady_bod

    ady_bod Copenworld Newbie

    Dec 3, 2017
    Copen 1.3

    Hi again,

    Im based in Dublin so it's far for me to come to the UK.
  15. BarnsleyRob

    BarnsleyRob Copenworld Veteran

    Feb 2, 2017
    South Yorks
    2009/59 silver Copen 1298 cc (now gone to a new home)

    You don’t have to bring the photo with you, just post it on the forum for us to be sure, to be sure, which version you have.
  16. Vin Petrol

    Vin Petrol Copenworld Regular

    Jan 21, 2017
    2004 0.7 Copen
    Timpsons in Ireland can do it too ;-)

    And there's only 2 versions, the 0.6 has the Daihatsu key fob 'C01SA Tokai Rika' and the 1.3 has the crappy Cobra alarm that allegedly drains the battery.
  17. BarnsleyRob

    BarnsleyRob Copenworld Veteran

    Feb 2, 2017
    South Yorks
    2009/59 silver Copen 1298 cc (now gone to a new home)
    From @ady_bod original post on Sunday, he states that he has the Cobra 2 button fob. That can be resolved fairly easily by getting a fob from Cobracartech and recoding it to match the Cobra alarm unit. AFAIK, it bypasses the Daihatsu remote/immobiliser - well it does on mine as the only Daihatsu component is the physical key that goes in the ignition. If you lock the car with the Cobra remote but open it with the Daihatsu key, the alarm still goes off so they’re not that well integrated !
  18. BarnsleyRob

    BarnsleyRob Copenworld Veteran

    Feb 2, 2017
    South Yorks
    2009/59 silver Copen 1298 cc (now gone to a new home)

    You need to find the Cobra alarm unit. It uses a multiplug connector to connect to the cars wiring harness and it’s likely that the two halves are separating slightly (much like a SCART lead can pop out one side and just affect sound but not picture). On mine, the auto electricians clamped the two halves together using cable ties.

    If it’s not that, you’re probably looking at what I said originally, which is to buy a replacement unit which will be a straight swap out and come with 2 replacement coded keys. There are different model Cobras fitted to the Copen so you’ll still need to find your unit to see which you need.
  19. Salieri

    Salieri Copenworld Veteran

    Jun 19, 2012
    Used to have a White Copen, but I sold it in 2023

    He said he has got the keys like on multiplexmans picture, who posted a picture of original daihatsu tokai rica key fobs, so I guess he does not have a cobra alarm. Seems to me only the UK have this abomination of a key fob called cobra :D
  20. BarnsleyRob

    BarnsleyRob Copenworld Veteran

    Feb 2, 2017
    South Yorks
    2009/59 silver Copen 1298 cc (now gone to a new home)

    I was basing my comments on this part of the post.


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