I'd run into another 'speed bump' along the way. I'd recalled that the previous owner had said that she had fried the original engine due to a split radiator hose causing an overheat. However, it was a whooole lot uglier than that. The turbo coolant fitting that comes out of the radiator end tank had mostly snapped off, leaving nothing for the turbo coolant hose to attach to, which leads me to believe that this is what she actually meant. A phone call to Toyota soon set things right and the very last Copen radiator in all of Australia was on its way to me! The new radiator is all fitted up with fresh silicone radiator hoses. All that's left now is to hook the fuel lines back up, fit the battery, fill the fluids and put in my new CV joint. Not long now!
IT'S ALIIIIIIVE! I managed to get the little weapon started this evening! I just need to fit the power steering belt, check all the connections and replace a few hose clamps, then it's ready for rego
Sorry all; I hadn't posted an update since April!! The Copen is well and truly on the road and I've been out and about, having a great old time.