How to fix a leaky middle rear brake light

Discussion in 'Problems, Fixes, Tips...' started by Adam K, Dec 30, 2012.

  1. Adam K

    Adam K Copenworld Guru

    Oct 27, 2010
    Worcester, UK
    Nissan Cube Kaizen
    The Manuals can be downloaded from the Directory section of the forum.

    I've had a quick look through them. I could see information on how to remove the boot lid, but didn't see anything on alignment.
    It might be elsewhere in the manual though.
  2. Binz

    Binz Copenworld Regular

    Apr 27, 2012
    North Hampshire
    Copen (plus Kawasaki W650 and Honda CRV)
    See p.16 in 'EF.pdf'

    Attached Files:

  3. suchin

    suchin Copenworld Newbie

    Dec 25, 2012
    Water still in boot!!

    Having carried out the sealing of the brakeight and tried adjusting the fittining of the boot lid I am still getting water in the boot. The problem seems to be that the lid is not pulling down tight enough onto the boot seal around the side and rear of the boot. Having checked the manuals and examined the catches I can see no adjustment that allows the lid to pulled down more tightly. Ideas anyone!
  4. Adam K

    Adam K Copenworld Guru

    Oct 27, 2010
    Worcester, UK
    Nissan Cube Kaizen
    I guess the water must be getting in between the joint between the back lip of the boot lid & the rear roof panel (the window bit)?
    Have you checked the seals for damage? Check in the seal on the back window for debris. Maybe there's something that blokes the run off route?
    Perhaps the actual boot lid panel needs to move up (closer to the roof) on the boot hinge?

    If it was me I'd try a test to try & pin point the leak point. Line the boot with kitchen towel. Then close it up. Using hose or watering can, wet down the car. Dry off the body then open the boot. See which area in the boot has got wet.

    Can you post some pictures of the shut lines around the boot?
  5. suchin

    suchin Copenworld Newbie

    Dec 25, 2012
    Hi Adam,
    What seems to be happening is the water runs along the gutter at the bottom of the screen when it gets to the corners some of the water instead of running into the boot side gutters runs along the seal and runs into the boot at the rear corners. You can see trace lines of where it is getting in. The shut line between the rear of the boot and the bumper is wider than the manual say it should be. This is why I suspect ii is not shutting tight enough onto the seal.
    I stripped the boot trim completely and treated any rust spots with Fertan (tanic acid) and then Waxoiled the whole area so the small amount of water getting in is no causing a major problem rust wise but will contribute to damp inside the car and cause it to steam up.
    Do you know if there was any modification to the boot seal? It may be a case of replacing the whole boot seal including the rear window panel and the complex corners. Probably expensive!!!
  6. Adam K

    Adam K Copenworld Guru

    Oct 27, 2010
    Worcester, UK
    Nissan Cube Kaizen
    I've never heard of any modifications to the boot seals.
    I've it's not sitting correctly, there must be an issue with the alignment of the mechanism or the boot lid attachment to the mechanism.
    I'd take it to a dealer to check it out.
  7. Ken

    Ken Copenworld Member

    Sep 28, 2009
    Hi Suchin,

    The Seals are available separately but will probably be on Back Order from Japan

    Michaela had her Seals replaced twice under Warranty but they do not sit as well as the Original Factory Fitted Seals.

  8. Klausanta

    Klausanta Copenworld Member

    Sep 27, 2012
    Renault Megane
    After the mass of rain last night, I checked our Copen boot this morning and found the back section (where the tools are located) totally full of water again. This is not just a splash it's a deluge!

    So, if nothing else I am sure it is nothing to do with the brake light seal that was replaced recently as I had left a towel under the carpet and two very large plastic rubbish sacks under and above the carpet in the middle of the boot directly below the brake light and there was no water visible on the top of these at all.

    As I still have the problem with the boot not locking down properly on one side when I put the roof down, I think I must agree with 'suchin' that both issues may be down to adjustment? :-((

    I think my only option left is to take it to our local Daihatsu dealer in Croydon but they have so far been really unhelpful when I have tried to call.

    On a brighter note, the Copen went through its first MOT since we purchased it with flying colours and no advisories - they obviously ignored the seat belts not retracting! :)

  9. PauliePaul

    PauliePaul Copenworld Regular

    Oct 21, 2012
    im interested to know how your boot looks when closed ? ... is it really obvious to see when you look at it that its not lined up correctly ?
  10. Klausanta

    Klausanta Copenworld Member

    Sep 27, 2012
    Renault Megane
    Please see the boot gap images below.

    Not sure that anything really looks that bad when it is closed/locked as far as I can see.


    Attached Files:

  11. PauliePaul

    PauliePaul Copenworld Regular

    Oct 21, 2012
    the boot gaps look fine to me from what i can see so i dont think you have an issue there... most cases it is the boot light thats the prob... when i had the water in boot problem i just sorted out the boot light and now its fixed but you say you get loads of water in the took kit area so maybe it would be something to do with the seals closer in that area like the boot gaps at the back where the rear lights are possibly ?
  12. Adam K

    Adam K Copenworld Guru

    Oct 27, 2010
    Worcester, UK
    Nissan Cube Kaizen
    I agree with Paulie Paul, I can't see anything wrong with any of the panel gaps you have. It doesn't look to be missaligned or sticking up.
    If this is how the boot sits when water gets in?
    I'd suggest having a close look for damage to the seal at the bottom edge of the rear roof panel.
  13. Lotuseater

    Lotuseater Copenworld Regular

    Dec 13, 2010
    1.3 Copen
    If I may. Your last photo and the gap between the boot lid and the rear bumper looks (to me) to be a little wider than I have seen on other Copens, including my own. Also the rear number plate is square rather than shaped to fit the plate recess? I also notice that the tail pipes appear not to be central to the cut outs in the bumper? Sorry,I'm going to ask - has the car been involved in an accident, and is something not quite straight below the outer skin?

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