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Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Quartz, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. Quartz

    Quartz Copenworld Regular

    Nov 7, 2012
    Grey Copen 2007
    Old thread ahoy!
    I have returned again, this time I have actually bought back the grey Copen I wrote off over 7 years ago!
    I wrote off the car in 2013 after skidding on ice on an untreated road and hit both kerbs on each side after doing a 360. Now classed as a Cat C I got a nice payout at the time however I was very sad to lose the car. Now in 2020 the car came up at a local garage and I got it for a bargin price with it fixed up after the accident. It is starting to rust in the usual places however, but I don't care I love the car and the colour and I can always get the rust fixed. I actually kept the old keys (2 of them) when I lost the car with the original Daihatsu dealer tag on them, so in reality I could of just drove the car off the forecourt without paying... but that wouldn't have been fair! :) Nice to come back to the site with its wealth of knowledge.
    sunlover and AFR0N1 like this.
  2. Louise Beard

    Louise Beard Copenworld Newbie

    Nov 5, 2020
    Copen 1300
    New to the forum but having trouble with headlights - only seem to do full beam and not dipped. Only left with very dull lights which don’t illuminate the road in the dark at all!
  3. Louise Beard

    Louise Beard Copenworld Newbie

    Nov 5, 2020
    Copen 1300
    New to the forum but having trouble with headlights - only seem to do full beam and not dipped. Only left with very dull lights which don’t illuminate the road in the dark at all!

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