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Engine repairs

Discussion in 'Problems, Fixes, Tips...' started by smac, Nov 11, 2012.

  1. smac

    smac Copenworld Newbie

    Nov 10, 2012
    At long last Im back. Head gasket didnt arrive from Japan until Christmas then theres been holidays to go on and beeing to cold to go in the garage!

    Summary of work done so far: took the head apart, had the lightest skim possible, cleaned all the valves and lapped them back in, fitted the cam and checked the clearances - all ok. I got the head back on and torqued up and the cams and carriers back in last night. Next job is to fit the cam chain tensioner which I somehow got out without removing the vane (ac?) pump, although I cant understand how. After this I will have a trial hand turn of the engine to check the mechanical timing before filling with oil and re doing a compression test. If this goes ok I will see if I can remember how all the plumbing goes back together! Still plenty to go at.
  2. smac

    smac Copenworld Newbie

    Nov 10, 2012
    All plumbing now done and most of the loom connected. Patched up the plastic airbox with glassfibre and bought a new filter (ouch!). Next job is refit cam cover and reseal the plastic semicircular plugs. Attempted start surely not far off!
  3. smurfy

    smurfy Copenworld Newbie

    May 11, 2013
    Hi smac! Unfortunately, ive been getting the same issue with my copen. Just got it 3 months ago. Checked with my mechanic and it seems its the exhaust valve. Now i need to go and order the parts.

    Can i kindly know which site did you order your exhaust valve and gaskets from? I'm checking out the Nengun site but can't find any.

    Thank you in advance! :)
  4. smac

    smac Copenworld Newbie

    Nov 10, 2012
    I ordered and picked mine up from KT Green (nr Leeds). The valve was in the UK but the gasket came from Japan and took ages. How has he diagnosed the valve? Is the head already off?

    Update: Im now all done and have had a tentative test drive today. All ok so far.
  5. Paul

    Paul Copenworld Newbie

    Dec 27, 2016
    Nieuw-beijerland, Netherlands
    Copen 0.7
    Hi Simon, we've had the same with cyl 3 as a result of a broken spare plug. The negative metal piece had gone and even around 1.2" of the positive pin was gone. We also had a stuck turbo so guess that the missing pieces went in there. These broken spark plug pieces caused the exhaust valve to be broken about 1/3rd of the valve had broken off and also gone missing. We replaced all exh. Valves cyl 3&4 and valve stem oil seals. We put all back and the car was running fine, comp 10-10-11-11, new engine is all 11 so this was an excellent result. Unfortunately my son drive it down to south of France, Some 1000 km, guess what compression cyl 3 is 0 again. We are still puzzeld what caused the Broken spark plug?

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