Clutch problem

Discussion in 'Problems, Fixes, Tips...' started by jaspark, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. DaG

    DaG Copenworld Guru

    Jul 11, 2012
    Copen 1.3
    I don't think it will be the clutch, not from the description anyway. Adjust the cable and take it from there is the best approach.
  2. trustafox

    trustafox Copenworld Guru

    Nov 19, 2012
    East Mids
    where is the clutch cable adjustment point? Not that I need it, but just in case for in the future Like I need to tweak it.

    If 660 parts are cheaper its good its just the engine bay components and not more parts around the car. But then for us big boys, the 1.3ers, with it being a Toyota engine is the clutch the same too? so wondered if get a Yaris clutch it might be cheaper than a copen tagged one.
  3. Quartz

    Quartz Copenworld Regular

    Nov 7, 2012
    Grey Copen 2007
    Not sure, you'd have to compare part models, see if the coding is the same.
  4. DaG

    DaG Copenworld Guru

    Jul 11, 2012
    Copen 1.3
    The pattern part manufacturers should charge the same for the same part that fits more than one car.
    Genuine parts won't be priced the same though. I'd guess that if the clutch fits a Yaris and a Copen the Toyota part will be cheaper.
    I had a mate who owned a Dacia which was based on some Renault. The renault parts were cheaper than the Dacia by quite a bit.
  5. DaG

    DaG Copenworld Guru

    Jul 11, 2012
    Copen 1.3
  6. jaspark

    jaspark Copenworld Member

    Apr 22, 2012
    London, UK

    I have been to Halfords Autocentre this morning and they did look at my Copen for a minute and told me that I need a new clutch and it would cost me around 250 plus labour which does not show on their system. They told me it would be another 300 pounds.
    I gave up asking mechanics opinions anymore and I decided to just ask for cable adjustment which they refused.
    I went to a local garage and asked to adjust the cable without telling them anything.
    They have adjusted he cable and it cost me nothing. It was just a couple of minute job.
    Now, my clutch is not stiff, the pedal play is less than it was.
    No more problem of changing gears including the first and the reverse.

    I am happy with it.
    I will also leave a comment after a few days.

    Thanks for all.
    Steamer775 likes this.
  7. Adam K

    Adam K Copenworld Guru

    Oct 27, 2010
    Worcester, UK
    Nissan Cube Kaizen
    Halfrauds! Bunch of muppets!

    Glad your got it sorted, at a bargain price too.

    If the time comes that you do need a clutch. Take it to your local friendly mechanic.
  8. Quartz

    Quartz Copenworld Regular

    Nov 7, 2012
    Grey Copen 2007
    This is why you never go to Halfords. Places like this will try and charge you the earth for something that doesn't need doing.

    Glad it was only the clutch cable adjustment :)
  9. Binz

    Binz Copenworld Regular

    Apr 27, 2012
    North Hampshire
    Copen (plus Kawasaki W650 and Honda CRV)
    Halfords... :rolleyes:
    they get a bit of a roasting on too (bike forum) and I have seen them do some pretty poor stuff.

    My son started working there last year and said on his induction session there were 4 people starting and he was the only 1 who really knew anything about what he was doing (having done maintenance and mods to his own bike). They showed them how to look up parts then asked them to have a go at finding a spark plug for a specific car; one of the newbies then asked "what's a spark plug?" :eek:

    it's OK for buying things if you know what you want but not sure I'd let them loose on my car or bike; although asking them to replace a headlight bulb on the Copen may be entertaining.

    Kwikfit is another place I wont go to but that's another story.
  10. Lilyspots

    Lilyspots Copenworld Newbie

    Sep 27, 2011
    Peak District
    I am having the same problem with my clutch at just over 34,000miles. The clutch is not releasing the gear unless I press really hard into the floor. This is being rectified by my garage, but interesting to know that it has happened to others at an early mileage :(
  11. jaspark

    jaspark Copenworld Member

    Apr 22, 2012
    London, UK
    Hi Lilyspots,
    Sorry to know that you also have the same problem as I had early this year.
    When I changed my clutch kit, the old clutch disc was totally fine with more than 50% left.
    However, the firewall (or a pannel which hold the clutch pedal) was weak thus bend.
    So the guy did some welding work to it and also changed the clutch cable.

    To be honest, we really need to think about the problem other than clutch.
    For me, if your clutch is stiff and it gets extra stiff when the engine is warm, ask a mechanic you know well and explain what I wrote here first.

    If you decide to change the clutch kit, you should also change the clutch cable.
    However, it is a very big job as the hole on the firewall for the cable is just fit size which will lead to you a huge bill if you don't know the guy well.

    I hope it helps.

    P.S. Clutch cable may not be available in the dealership and it will take more than 2 weeks or so.
  12. Number6

    Number6 Inactive User

    Apr 25, 2013
    2005 0.7L Copen
    Out of interest, how long did they bill you for the clutch replacement? At £300, I'd imagine 6 hours.

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