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Discussion in 'Problems, Fixes, Tips...' started by Number6, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. threepot

    threepot Copenworld Regular

    Oct 8, 2014
    Copen, Hijet, Celica, and Yaris!
    I have found a guy with a copy of the Daihatsu v4.00 DS-II firmware - I just need to bribe/convince him to sort me out a copy!!
  2. threepot

    threepot Copenworld Regular

    Oct 8, 2014
    Copen, Hijet, Celica, and Yaris!
    I have a DS-II unit on its way thought the postal service.

    And a copy of the Daihatsu V4.0 software on my pc ready to flash to a card.

    Also I have a Toyota card and a Suzuki card for it.

    Another bit of kit to add to my arsenal :D
  3. Number6

    Number6 Inactive User

    Apr 25, 2013
    2005 0.7L Copen
    Jammy git! How do you plan on sniffing the codes?
  4. threepot

    threepot Copenworld Regular

    Oct 8, 2014
    Copen, Hijet, Celica, and Yaris!
    I don't! But if it does what your hoping is possible, you are more than welcome to give me some ideas of how to capture the packets and you can have them.

    I have digital scopes, with USB functions etc.

    I never knew such a piece of kit existed for Denso platforms, but now I do thanks to you, I have to own one!!
  5. Number6

    Number6 Inactive User

    Apr 25, 2013
    2005 0.7L Copen
    I have a Y-splitter cable on order, which has two female OBD-II ports and a male OBD-II. I was going to attach an ELM327 scanner to one port, the DS-II to the other, and set the scanner into ATMA mode.
  6. threepot

    threepot Copenworld Regular

    Oct 8, 2014
    Copen, Hijet, Celica, and Yaris!
    Check this out!

    The DS-2 can:-

    read all of the roof position sensors, switches etc
    control the side latches
    open the boot
    run the roof pump
    open the windows
    check the speed signal, handbrake and alternator inputs

    then it can interface with the engine management to read/graph all sensor and test all the outputs like run the fan, boost control solenoid etc.

    Very nice bit of kit.

    Plus I've got the Toyota and Suzuki cards as well as the Daihatsu card.

    Attached Files:

  7. Number6

    Number6 Inactive User

    Apr 25, 2013
    2005 0.7L Copen
    Sweet! I was really hoping it would give that level of detail.

    Do you have an OBD-II extension cable? I am curious to see what pin it sends data out on - I have a feeling it's pin 13 and not pin 7.
  8. threepot

    threepot Copenworld Regular

    Oct 8, 2014
    Copen, Hijet, Celica, and Yaris!
    I could de-pin 7 or 13 from the obd2 port on the Copen, and see if it still works.
  9. Number6

    Number6 Inactive User

    Apr 25, 2013
    2005 0.7L Copen
    I was just going to suggest covering Pin 13 in masking tape :)
  10. threepot

    threepot Copenworld Regular

    Oct 8, 2014
    Copen, Hijet, Celica, and Yaris!
    I can remove pin 13 and it still works the windows/roof.

    If I remove pin 7, it no longer can communicate.
  11. Number6

    Number6 Inactive User

    Apr 25, 2013
    2005 0.7L Copen
    Sweet, that means it's probably sending and receiving data over normal KWP.

    IF you had a Y-Splitter,you could hook both the DS-II and an ELM327 at teh same time, and set the ELM327 into ATMA mode... That might work
  12. Nedryerson

    Nedryerson Copenworld Regular

    Jan 30, 2012
    0.66 Copen 2003
    Fiat 500

    Could you put all this in English ?

    Is the hardware & software available and from where please ?
  13. Number6

    Number6 Inactive User

    Apr 25, 2013
    2005 0.7L Copen
    The Daihatsu hardware is pricey - like a grand sterling.

    The software is what I wanna make, with cheap hardware off eBay.

    Threepot: Any idea on the codes being sent? I've a feeling there will be a challenge/response for non-OBDII codes :-(
  14. Dave Hardwick Engineering

    Dave Hardwick Engineering Copenworld Newbie

    Oct 19, 2014
    Shepshed, Loughborough.
    VX220 Turbo
    Will you be selling the software when you get it to work? I'm sure a few people on here will be willing to part with some cash for your hard work and time.

  15. Number6

    Number6 Inactive User

    Apr 25, 2013
    2005 0.7L Copen
    It will be free. Probably only support the ELM327 chipset commands, and Android / OSX, but I will naturally release the technical data.

    The chipset depends on how the data is actually being sent, so no promises if this is even possible on cheapo ebay hardware.
  16. Nedryerson

    Nedryerson Copenworld Regular

    Jan 30, 2012
    0.66 Copen 2003
    Fiat 500
    Could you help an old man?

    At one time I programmed PLCs. You loaded the software into your laptop plugged it into the PLC and the program could be seen running on screen (bits changing state, outputs turning on and off and so forth )

    Is that in principle what we are talking about here or is there some hardware between the laptop and the Copen?

    Missing Adams contributions by the way,

  17. Number6

    Number6 Inactive User

    Apr 25, 2013
    2005 0.7L Copen
    The ELM327 chip is the one used in most cheapo OBD-II scanners that you get off eBay (and the like). It can send simple commands to an ECU to find out, say, the engine RPM as well as to read trouble codes and reset them. It is really really easy to reset codes.

    There are many protocols that cars can use to send data to and from the OBD-II, as well as from (say) the roof computer to the ECU. Sending data from one computer to another is easier than running miles of wires everywhere. Most modern cars employ this design.

    Some cars use a different type of protocol (the Copen doesn't look to) and even a different type of network (CAN - controller area network) or something proprietary.

    Most of these cheapo OBD-II scanners have apps for various phones - Android, iPhone, etc, as well as proper software for PC and Mac (usually far more indepth and very pricey) that allow you to read values, like RPM, as well as reset the codes.

    The format of the messages are very simple and well documented for the legally required ones (usually emissions, which is where OBD-II comes from).

    Car manufacturers are required by law to support certain OBD-II codes in a "generic" format - thus allowing my OBD-II reader to read the codes off any car, but there are also manufacturer specific codes.

    The Daihatsu specific codes, at least for the Copen, look to control the windows, boot, etc. Since there is no legal obligation for Daihatsu to support or divulge these codes, I hope to reverse engineer them and find out what they are.

    In more popular cars, like Ford or BMW, people have already reverse engineered these codes - there is a well done "How to reverse engineer a car's CANBUS" on http://theksmith.com/technology/hack-vehicle-bus-cheap-easy-part-1/ - for use by anyone.

    I hope, by the end of this, to have (at least) the codes for various things. Ideally I will make an Android app that will allow you to control the windows from your phone.
  18. Dave Hardwick Engineering

    Dave Hardwick Engineering Copenworld Newbie

    Oct 19, 2014
    Shepshed, Loughborough.
    VX220 Turbo
    There is some software on the well known internet auction site sold as Daihatsu Ds2 v4. Software only from Lthuania!

    Has anyone tried this? Is it worth a go at £25.00?

  19. Number6

    Number6 Inactive User

    Apr 25, 2013
    2005 0.7L Copen
    The software only works on a specific type of scanner... which costs £1000.
  20. Number6

    Number6 Inactive User

    Apr 25, 2013
    2005 0.7L Copen
    Hopefully getting her back on Friday, so I will try and pull codes sent on the Y-Splitter. If this is possible, it should be fairly easy to hook up the DS-II and listen in on it's communications with the Copen.

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