Boot rack

Discussion in 'Modifications' started by scooty, Oct 27, 2009.

  1. thewiltshirehardys

    thewiltshirehardys Copenworld Member

    May 4, 2013
    mrs. 2004 copen vivid
    mr.. 1959 morris minor
    I would love to put a boot rack on our copen (with spoiler).
    A couple of the comes to mind looking at the previous post from the German supplier. Firstly, would the bar that stops the bag moving not be at the lowside/ at the rear of the car. I would wonder if it were fixed as shown wether the bar would if the rear screen.

    The other thought comes to mind is

    HOW MUCH???

    Too rich for my blood I am afraid.

  2. CopenMag

    CopenMag Copenworld Newbie

    Aug 31, 2013
    Copen 1.3
    +1, Always found odd too that the bar is often pictured/mounted on the highside.
    (keeps the luggage in place in case you drive into a tree but not during the tremendous accelerations ? meh).

    On the 'how much' bit, I'm afraid it might be closer to 320 euros for us as we're really looking into the one from MGFCar.
    Not that it looks nicer (at all) but although drilling holes in a car will make me sweat ("oh noes... holes are not aligned.."), we kind of like this one better in term of On/Out convenience:

    Rack on an MG (but upside down ?)
    Rack out

    Thanks to those neat little chrome cover, and who'll surely perform well as 'oh_and_what_those_for' conversation openers too.

    Source: DE copenforum => MGF

    Then nice looking leather straps & bag/suitcase that fit to find.
    pricey indeed.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2013
  3. scooty

    scooty Copenworld Regular

    Sep 25, 2009
    Cologne, Germany
    2 x Daihatsu Copen, RHD
    1 x Daihatsu Trevis
    I was told by some roadster enthusiasts, that it is mounted correctly in the "highside" as it is supposed to stop the luggage from crashing into the rear screen in case of heavy braking.
    Well, I go with this and mount my luggage racks this way. :)

    The boot rack officially offered by Daihatsu Germany as extra was EUR 500 :(


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