Are we entering its dotage?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by trustafox, Aug 30, 2015.

  1. DaG

    DaG Copenworld Guru

    Jul 11, 2012
    Copen 1.3
    That's just it though I don't understand half of what you're on about.:D
    I don't think anybody else does either.:D :rock:
    I hope that the above second smilie is a two fingers salute.
  2. trustafox

    trustafox Copenworld Guru

    Nov 19, 2012
    East Mids
    :finger: Look, I lost a finger on some bloody seat belt guides!
    DaG likes this.
  3. Smc92

    Smc92 Copenworld Member

    Jun 29, 2014
    West Yorkshire
    Daihatsu Copen 659cc
    Nissan 350Z
    I have recently moved in with my girlfriend who bought her copen whilst still living at her parents but now we have moved in together I also drive the copen which is why I am now trying to be a more active forum member. I have also always had a bug for modifications on my cars, I just cant help but play and tinker with them.

    So yeah, now I drive the copen more and play/tinker with it more its increased my passion for copens which in turn leads me to the owners club for more information and to talk to people with the similar interest of our copens.

    I do believe that the copen will become a very sought after classic one day and I think thats when the forum will take off.

    We own a 350z too and I am on their forum which is massive and has loads of people on there, one of the biggest forum followings I have personally seen and they have people sign up and posting in there how they hope to get a 350 soon and how excited they are etc. I believe this forum could become like that because copens are really rare and unique and although the little copen does not have a V6 engine plonked inside, its a really smart little kei kar, thats also a convertible and has a 660cc engine! (I know there is the 1.3 model, I dont mean to discriminate :D ) but it is such a rare thing to come across when looking at cars.

    Anyway I have gone on too much, I cant wait to fit a boost gauge :cool:
  4. Your Majesty

    Your Majesty Copenworld Regular

    Nov 16, 2013
    West Midlands
    Copen, no other car.
    Kate and I are still reading the new posts regularly on the forum. I guess we've not posted much recently because we're too busy driving our Copens every day :):)
  5. tictac

    tictac Copenworld Member

    Oct 8, 2013
    Melbourne, Australia
    Copen 2004
    Prius 2006
    I am relatively new to Copens (2 years) and purchased mine purely by chance, although I was familiar with kei style cars (cappuccino, copen, beat, etc) and wanted one for about the last 15 years. However since taking the leap into the Copen I have found this forum to be very useful, and indeed was an added enjoyment factor of purchasing the car. Information on servicing, service parts, fixing the roof rattles, and many other little hints and tips of great use. Fantastic of Copenworld founder David to create the site, hats off to him for doing so. OK so being in Australia (only 175 Copens sold here I believe) I tend not to review or comment on social posts like 'meet in Cumbria' or 'seen on the M25', nevertheless I visit often and cruise around recent posts. I hope that I have contributed some useful information also. I hope the site keeps on going, despite a few major contributors having slowed up. OK so sometime in the future each of us might disappear if we sell the car but during the time I have a Copen, the forum plays a role in the overall enjoyment factor of enthusiast car ownership.
    copenworld and ClareL like this.
  6. PaulGee

    PaulGee Copenworld Member

    Apr 11, 2015
    Daihatsu Copen 1.3
    Daihatsu Materia 1.5
    Honda CRV (MkII)
    I've just bought a 1.3 for the wife ( and me secretly ) yesterday and already found the guide and support on the forum invaluable. I think Horace (number plate ends ELO) is going to need a bit of TLC, so I figure I might be quite active on here over the coming months.

    Our other car is a Daihatsu Materia, which if anyone knows where to source callipers from other than Daihatsu, I'd be interested to here.
  7. ClareL

    ClareL Copenworld Veteran

    Mar 22, 2013
    1.3 2008 Copen
    You found one! >:) I'm sure you will be using Copenworld a lot (for inspiration as much as necessity).
  8. PaulGee

    PaulGee Copenworld Member

    Apr 11, 2015
    Daihatsu Copen 1.3
    Daihatsu Materia 1.5
    Honda CRV (MkII)
    Yep it's been a long search with so few coming up in the south east that weren't 6-7k but eventually found one. A few imperfections and tonight I began my baptism in Copeness by wrestling off the rear brake light to change a bulb.

    My wife was only slightly nervous when she could see whether it was safe over take a tractor because Horace could almost fit underneath it :)
  9. MultiplexMan

    MultiplexMan Copenworld Regular

    Jul 5, 2011
    Sydney, Australia
    KIA Carnival YP, Copen
    I think forum activity wavers. I know when I purchased my Copen 7 years ago, I was super active as I was doing heaps of mods. Once the car was sorted I tended to post less unless someone had a specific query.

    I certainly slowed when the Australian Copen site went down, as we lost years of work - photos, build logs, instructions, tips & tricks,... I've noted some of the old sites from France and Holland appear to have disappeared as well. Lots of great tips, info and experience disappeared. Even CopenCentralSG appears to have gone :cry:

    There are a couple Facebook pages but nothing like the technical forums.

    I certainly hope there are some "backups" of this site. Storage costs so little nowadays...
  10. copenworld

    copenworld Copenworld Founder Staff Member

    Sep 21, 2009
    Auckland, NZ
    A backup is taken automatically every night. The backup is then copied again to a separate secure location. Hopefully, that's a good enough insurance policy. :)
    Old Badger and Your Majesty like this.
  11. Gwyn

    Gwyn Copenworld Member

    Oct 15, 2014
    Isle of Wight
    Love this site and visited very often when I first got my Copen as it really helped me understand my car much more. I still check in occasionally or view what is happening on this site without logging on, so the recording of traffic to this site may be misleading - perhaps the only way to truly measure the visits is to make people sign-in before viewing. I am so grateful to everyone that has posted of their experiences. I do not understand however when people are saying that the Copen is a rare car - there are lots for sale on Ebay. Or am I missing something....
  12. ClareL

    ClareL Copenworld Veteran

    Mar 22, 2013
    1.3 2008 Copen
    This link shows you how many Copens were in the UK in 2014 :) According to the site there were only 1,958 licenced to be on the road in the UK and Northern Ireland in 2015 :) Not that many, I probably see that many minis in one journey to work :D:D:D!manufacture
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2015
    JanesAddiction likes this.
  13. chris1d

    chris1d Copenworld Newbie

    Feb 7, 2015
    Lincolnshire, UK
    Copen Turbo
    I feel a bit bad as I am one of the ones who has used the forum for technical help and not much else. It's not that I don't want to (I'm very active on another car forum) but I haven't really explored my Copen. I bought it in February as I had always wanted broke, I fixed it, it broke again and stayed broken. Things at home have been rubbish (soon to be ex wife dosent even know my Copen exists) but I'm trying to get it sorted so I can enjoy it, get it up to scratch (engine, bodywork etc) and then hopefully become a very active user. I love the site and it has been a great help so far!
    ClareL likes this.
  14. Allie

    Allie Copenworld Newbie

    Oct 30, 2015
    Daihatsu Copen 1.3, 2008.
    I joined this forum probably about a month ago and have found myself deep into modification threads many a time, and that's before even buying a Copen.

    I got my Copen a little over a week ago but before that I had been searching around for one for about 9 months. I live in Gibraltar (British overseas territory, borders on southern Spain) so I did a lot of contemplating over whether I wanted to bring one over. It didn't take long to decide, but man has it been a ball ache! I had to send family members in the UK to view the car, purchase it, bring it home and then I arranged transport from UK to Gibraltar. Tax it and insure it on UK reg, which was very hard to do at 20!! Managed it anyway, for a period of one month so that I may re-register the car in Gibraltar. That then requires declaring the car, which I did today and lost another few hundred quid, and in a few weeks it will go in for an MOT and come out a Gib car - Gibraltar's first Copen in fact! It has had a lot of attention already, and they're also rare to Spain.

    This site played a part in solidifying my decision to get a Copen, simply because of all of the enthusiasm and love for them. I often log on for no reason in particular and find myself discovering all these things that you can do to and change on your Copen! I'm really hoping to make a few modifications myself with the help of you guys. I have already ordered the leather covers for the handbrake and arm rest because I saw them mentioned on one of the threads. The first day I got the Copen I had to use this site to find out how to open the fuel cap... how would anybody find that without help??

    I have been a member for a short amount of time but have already found so much help and advice. I'll agree that the smileys aren't great, but it would be a massive shame if this site were discontinued!!

    So without further due...

    Hello, my name is Allie and I hope to be a seasons regular... if you will allow it. :)

    Attached Files:

    Old Badger, Tegan SA and Your Majesty like this.
  15. tiberiansu

    tiberiansu Copenworld Newbie

    Nov 28, 2015
    This is the one forum with the richest of information. I wouldn't thought of buying a copen if not for this forum.

    As usual, information about the car is rare in Singapore. I couldn't really find out what to expect from a used copen. It is only here that I can learn about the car.

    Awesome work by every contributor!

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