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Anybody got any idea how to check if its working.Also where is the relay?:confused::confused: many thanks princess:)
Hi Adam Hubby has an engineer friend at work who thinks he can do the same or simular to your own deflector as he has built his own rig at...
Can anyone tell me where i can get a custom wind deflector from?:confused: many thanks princess
Great how to rex :D:D princess.
hi emily well done on the doing the degree (very impressed:D) really enjoyed the meet you organised will be attending again next year:)
What type of induction kit did you get adam? Was it expensive? Where did you source it from? Hubby whants too know as he was going to make one...
thanks adam for all your help in sourcing the bulbs and lenses lenses and bulbs have arrived just waiting too fit:D thanks again princesss :)
Thats great Adam thanks. I will get those ordered now It does look a bit fiddly to get those rear lights out!!!! Princess (hubby)
Adam Have found the side repeater lenses thanks too your link. Have fitted the front chrome indicator bulbs we got from you on sunday (thank...
Our first meet. Really enjoyed the day, great too see everyone and there fabulous cars. Thank you all for advice, hints and tips,...
Omg!!!!!! please please tell me that some one on this forum knows where i can get some of those parts these cars have,some off them are...
Good news Adam i have the time off work so we are planning on being there:)
oil change went ok, but he says he needs a filter spanner because its in such an EASY place to get too!!!!! any ideas adam on what he needs?
Will try and be there,will be great to meet other owners:):),Hubby has booked day off work so he can go,i am still trying to get time off work:-((
Thanks adam i will pass the info on to hubby:D:D
hello everyone Hubby is planning on changing engine oil and gearbox oil on bank holiday monday. Can anyone suggest what grades he needs to get....
thanks adam will give it whirl:):)
hi eveyone:D can anyone tell me were i can get an aluminium tax disc holder from with the picture of the copen engraved on the back, they we're...
rear quater windows not going down hi adam just had a similuar problem today:(. The car had been parked on the drive all day in the hot sun...
phone number required :Dhi all thanks for the advice i will give them a call and report what i find.. princess