Separate names with a comma.
a delivery truck. a sex aid a house.
in japan you have lots more copens to choose from ... lucky you!
I just plug the seatbelt in!
depends on the condition and the service history really. plus convertibles cost more in the summer apparently. i'd say that between 2 and 4...
and also you'll never use it - mine sits unused in the boot.
you unclip the cover and pull it out, reach in and there's a bit to turn and it comes out - quite an easy one to change just making sure you don't...
on a seaside weekend recently I figured out it was costing me about 14p a mile in a very unscientific way.
love the colour - fantastic.
autotrader website is usually the best place to check - usually around 30 for sale nationwide on there.
he didn't put his roof down at all!
looking nice in white.
well that's sorted then.
there's an idea...... will try tomorrow
I shall try!
Presumably as part of my lowering onto a can last week. essentially, to put the roof down I now have to do the following.... release the catches...
really liking the orange one too
it is nice isn't it? went over the local Tesco with the roof down just to get the paper, coming back took a long diversion via the riverfront to...
I always used to confuse my French teacher by asking if I had a pet which was female gender in French, but is a male, should you refer to it as...
someone at work today asked how I dented my roof - naturally I replied that I hadn't. then I went to have a look - all became clear. couple of...
I can open mine without the engine running - but I do have to put on the power enough - in the same way as radio/fan operation. I don't normally...