Separate names with a comma.
The oil filter is a bugger to get off if you have big hands!!!:D
Dark grey copen on the A38 this morning at around 7:40 going towards mansfield/sutton..... any one on here?
What a ba****d!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: I all ways try and park out of the way of other car drivers because a lot of people have no respect for other...
Picked up the new panels this morning and dropped them off at the bodyshop. :DWaiting for nsf wing, once i have this it's go time!!!:D
You are quite right Adam it is the copen off the stand:D. We intend to keep the car for a very long time so we must put the time and effort in to...
New panels ordered yesterday from Daihatsu, are we all sat down:rolleyes:.£1100 :eek:. thats for all the quater panels and the two front wings....
Before we decided to change the panels it was around £1500-£2000. Now we are changing the panels it involves more work, so i am going to take the...
Kepping the car it's original colour of PEARL WHITE..:D. We are also thinking of re-doing the interior leather (putting some proper leather on the...
Be aware!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just to let you all know, we had a repair done to the rear arches (down to the metal/fill/paint).Rust was back...
Car is hopefully going to be painted in the next few weeks so it should be ready:) You just never know what might happen:eek:.If it's not ready...
Meeting All being well our car should be painted and ready to go.;) so i think we will be attending:D. (Must beat scooty to best copen);)
OH DEAR :-(( what a mess!!!!!!
Hi all, tell me what you think about a a copen powered by a hyabusa engine:D thinking about doing one as a project.:D
I would like to but my wife says no!!!!!!! :( she likes the more retro looking copens.
Thanks adam, you do know your stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;)
Does anyone Know Where this body kit is from??
I too have had problems with car not starting (not using car much) re-charged battery now ok!!! Note to self --- must use car more!!!!!!!!:D
Stainless exhaust. Hi Pauliepaul, had my new exhaust fitted for a few weeks now (full system, just to make sure its ok), its great, had it...
Respray. Hi bluehawaii90 Will be having my car repainted in the next month (because of rust :mad:) it's going to cost around the £2000...
Germany Trip.... Hi scooty Sorry to say that we will not be able to attend this year as we have not started on the mods to the car yet!!!!!.We...