Separate names with a comma. a copen with a...
driving away from said town on Saturday saw a silver one parked up on the roadside. Always nice to see one in the wild.
drove past a blue copen today while I was on the way to Tesco. bizarrely, later on while doing a quick circuit of the local estate to dry off my... a white 1.3? - who... a practically new one, that the site says will be delivered to me in...
on the NHK tv channel on satellite the program 'samurai wheels' will be featuring the copen apparently - on 10:30pm tonight and a few more times...
so today I was due to take a visit to Basingstoke with an old friend who I meet up with every few months. out of the blue he suggested a trip to...
according to the ad at least... note - not my auction, I...
i'm sure i'll like my new fiat 500, but i'd rather be driving my copen vivid that has died. I've convinced myself that i'll see a super cheap 1.3...
while hitching a lift with my dad to see a fiesta (sob!) as a possible new car for me, we saw a silver turbo copen near the college - I almost...
after the tragic premature death of my poor old turbo copen i'm looking for a new car - and perhaps another copen. clearly it's not as simple as...
so the garage called today with regard to my whistling problem. basically a piece of spark plug somehow snapped, got sucked through the turbo and...
yesterday morning got in the car to go to work and thought I heard a police siren behind me. then I realised - it's my copen. when I put my foot...
parking up in the multi storey car park today in town I was surprised to see a yellow 0.66 copen with fabric seats. parked across from it but...
that are surely not true 1) it has no power steering whatsoever - not hydraulic, not electric 2) it comes without a radio as standard but if...
is there an ideal generic air filter or it another thing we have to buy the official part for? just that an online site offers me something for a...
sure it's a simple thing but i'm pleased after last weekend's 'take off the bumper' fiasco - you have to wonder why Daihatsu ever put that in the...
What a nightmare..... Followed the manual today taking off the bumper but couldn't unscrew the awkwardly placed final nut holding the headlight...
what's the opinion of this?...