Here we go then. Let's start collecting our pictures together for a Copen 2014 calendar. All you need to do is post your photo into this thread. You can post as many pictures as you want. At the end of November we'll all get to vote on our favourites. The twelve pictures with the most votes will go into the calendar. Which you'll then be able to order in December. Only a couple of rules: 1. Only enter a photo you have taken. Don't post pictures that you don't own. 2. If your photo is selected, I'll need the high resolution version. Make sure you keep it.
As long as the picture has a Copen it, anything goes. Lefties, righties, 659's or 1.3's. Nothing rude though.
Hi Adam- I want to take some pictures of my Copen in the snow- trouble is, I haven't been able to clean it yet cos of the subzero temperatures (between minus 10 and minus 15 during the day), and nobody would want to look at a grubby Copen now, would they? I think the calendar's a great idea!
Swiss Copen Hello I'm trying to post a photo of our first topless outing in Switzerland this year but I'm not really sure how it works. If no photo appears here.... Adam-can you help?
Alpine Copen 2 Here's another photo - need to check that getting the first pic up wasn't a fluke. ...soooo happy to have heated seats!
Nice pics. To post a big picture, you need an account with a image hosting site like Most of these sites show links to your posted pictures. I find the easiest way is to look for the link that starts '' highlight and right click copy. Then back on the CopenWorld site, click 'advanced' below the message box where you would type your reply. Click the 'Insert link' button (globe and chain link icon) and paste in you '[IMG]' link. Sounds compicated, but once you have done it once, it's easy! Hope this helps. Rex.
Thanks Rex! I'll check that out during my spring hols when I've got more time to fiddle about In the meantime- this little pic is cos I saw you're in Cardiff ....take a look