Which foods do you love or hate?

Discussion in 'General Chit-Chat' started by machinehead, Nov 18, 2009.

  1. machinehead

    machinehead Copenworld Pioneer

    Sep 22, 2009
    Just a bit of fun.

    As a child I was very fussy about what I would eat and it wasn't a very wide range of foods.

    As an adult I eat almost anything!!

    If I'm out for a treat however, I go for seafood. Oysters, mussels, crab, lobster, fish.

    Things I don't like - broccoli, cauliflower, although if they're served up, i can eat them.

    What foods do you love and hate?

  2. copenworld

    copenworld Copenworld Founder Staff Member

    Sep 21, 2009
    Auckland, NZ
    I've never been able to face seafood. I tried to eat a shrimp once when I was about 12, and after chewing it for about 20 minutes I realised there was no way I was ever going to be able to swallow it :eek:

    I've been vegetarian for over 20 years now. Thankfully, chocolate is vegetarian....I don't think I could live without it!!
  3. Tringhenge

    Tringhenge Copenworld Pioneer

    Sep 22, 2009
    Like Machinhead there was little I would eat as a child, now most anything goes.

    However there are two foods I abhor to this day. Celery and brussel sprouts.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2009
  4. Pikachu

    Pikachu Copenworld Pioneer

    Sep 26, 2009
    Cambridge, UK
    Yellow '53 reg Copen!
    A good friend of mine went to the seaside with her family when she was about 5. Her Dad had a plate of whelks, and gave her one. They played on the beach; they had a drink; she had an ice cream; and on the way back to the car, about two hours later, her Mum realised she was chewing on something.

    Yes, it was the whelk - still going strong... :eek:

    Personally, I like fish, hot and sour Thai soup, and I would probably commit some fairly terrible crimes for a good creme brulee. But I can't stand sugar snap peas or mange tout; it's not the flavour, it's the stringy bits down the edges. If I find myself chewing on one of those, especially at a polite gathering, I'm in trouble!
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2009
  5. machinehead

    machinehead Copenworld Pioneer

    Sep 22, 2009
    I finally realised over the weekend that one thing I really hate the taste of is fat. I had a nice peice of sirloin and someone at the table was eating the fat.

    There's no way I could do that. Disgusting flavour.

  6. pinky

    pinky Copenworld Newbie

    Sep 8, 2011
    None as of yet but i've picked a copen to be my first :)
    LOOOVEEE anything dairy... Love spicy food like Mexican & Indian & I dispise peas & brussell sprouts *blech*​
  7. alexa

    alexa Copenworld Newbie

    Jan 8, 2012
    i love spicy food! and I would love to try different flavors of ice cream. any suggestions? like some weird flavor but fantastic taste...:p

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