Hey guys, I wanted to tap into the interior light to add some extra lights. Specifically I wanted to tap into the overhead light so that when the doors open or close the extra lights go on/off. However, in looking into the wiring of it I'm a bit confused. It seems the light has power to it all the time. I thought that when the door closes and the light stays on for an additional 10 or so seconds that power was cut to the light and that's why it went off. I don't see any circuitry in the light housing that can account for the light going off after 10 seconds given the power is never cut to the light. Does anyone know how this works? thx
Continuing to try and figure out the wiring, please see attached pic. The Blue-red wire is constant 12V no matter what, the Red-green wire is 12V only after the map light goes off after closing door. Otherwise the Red-green wire has no signal when door is open. I'm assuming the Blue-red is the 12V feed and the Red-green is a switched ground in a computer which grounds the wire when the door is open. when the door is closed it allows the 12V to flow continuously back through the Red-green wire. This unforunately doesn't help me figure out how to tap into the wiring so that extra footwell lights can be lit only when the door is open. Unless I can find a relay that would be normally open when energized (door closed) but go to closed when it loses the energize. Someone out there smarter than me have any ideas? thanks!
You only need to wire your additional lamp in parallel to these 2 wires. It works as you have described.