There are a few new additions to the site today: 1) I've started adding "How To.." articles on the features page, which will gather together useful hints and tips into one place for easy reference. It will mostly consist of posts pulled from the forums, and starts with a couple of excellent features contributed by Wullufdude and Scooty. More will be added in the near future. 2) There are a few more reviews added to the features page. 3) There are a few more website links added to the directory page. 4) All registered members now have a membership number, which is displayed below your username on the copenworld home page when you are logged in. This will allow for the future introduction of some benefits for members. 5) Many of the page sections are now collapsible. You will see a couple of arrows at the right of each title bar, which allows you to hide sections of a page if you don't want to see them. 6) The shop page has been reformatted to bring the style more in line with the rest of the site. This is all part of on-going improvements to the site to keep it interesting. As always, comments are very welcome - just hit the "Comment" button below the article to leave feedback.
Hi rushmere, great job you are doing in perfecting this site! But to give credit where credit is due, please mention "Bloke" from CopenOwnersClub.Org.UK and "Red" from Club Copen Singapore as the initial authors for the instructions for solving the roof rattle problems. I just copied. Cheers, Andreas
Thanks Andreas, I've now added the credits to the article. I've also left your credit in place, as you linked to the article.
Great work, Rushmere!! Wullufdude thanks you too, but he and Mr P are both involved with a production of the pantomime "Peter Pan" at the moment. Oh, yes, they are...
Oh yes we are! Have this evening off, then on stage either rehersing or performing for the next 7 nights plus a matinee, so please be kind to Mrs P the Panto widow. Back on thread, nice mods!
I shall expect some pictures posted of you wearing make-up and stockings. You could also post some pictures from the panto.