Hi there I have had my Copen for 3 years but kept in a nice warm garage in Tokyo, perhaps it's in a state of shock with the London weather!! Anyway, the door light is on (saying that the boot or roof is open - but it's not)...therefore the boot won't open (and my daughter's school bag is trapped inside). I need petrol but can't get the fuel cap to open. Some previous threads have suggested that you do something in the boot to release the fuel cap but as I can't open the boot I am back to square 1!! I am aware that I probably need to open and close the roof more frequently to keep it mobile....which I promise to do if I can just get it open now... Any suggestions please??
Hi Do you mean the fuel cap (the one that screws in) or the cover that flips open if you pull the lever in the center console? As for the roof, check if the two clasps, that hold the roof to the window frame, are tightly in place. If you can reach it, see if the microswitches in the clasps make a clicking sound if you touch them. Maybe even press them by hand and see if the roof warning light goes off
lol i did not see it was a la400k, but to be honest, it should be the same for the old and new model, shouldnt it?