Occasional rattling noise

Discussion in 'Problems, Fixes, Tips...' started by AFR0N1, Jun 26, 2018.

  1. AFR0N1

    AFR0N1 Copenworld Regular

    Mar 22, 2018
    East Midlands
    Daihatsu Copen L880K (KMVZW)
    Some times I will hear a rattling noise that's coming from the front of my Copen at low RPM's.

    Info/ description of the problem.
    •I hear the noise at about 2-3K rpm.
    •The noise can only be heard in that rpm range. Any where above or below that range and I can no longer hear the noise.
    •The noise can be heard both when accelerating or decelerating in that rpm range.
    •It sounds like it is coming from around the front right.
    •Usually I never hear the rattle, but I have noticed that occasionally the noise would come back on some drives.
    •It seems to come back only if I have gone beyond around 6K on that drive. I rarely rev that high and I rarely get the rattle. I seem to only start to get the rattle if I have rev'ed high on that drive. If I haven't I don't seem to ever get the rattle at low rpms.
    •No warning lights to be seen.
    •Temp gauge shows normal temps.
    •I don't notice any drop in performance. Turbo still pulls strong.

    I'm not really sure what it could be. The possible problems I could think of should always cause a rattle every time I drive him, but my rattles are almost never to be heard unless I have driven in the high rpms on that drive it seems.

    The only thing I could think of is possibly the catalytic converter, but wouldn't that always be rattling at those rpms regardless if I recently rev'ed high?

    Anyone got any ideas?
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2018
  2. Vin Petrol

    Vin Petrol Copenworld Regular

    Jan 21, 2017
    2004 0.7 Copen
    Air intake/filter? Maybe check everything is secured there, otherwise I'm fairly stumped.
  3. Salieri

    Salieri Copenworld Veteran

    Jun 19, 2012
    Used to have a White Copen, but I sold it in 2023
    Make a video/audio recording of the noise and please find out if it also does it while standing (no gear selected) and whether it does it in all gears
  4. AFR0N1

    AFR0N1 Copenworld Regular

    Mar 22, 2018
    East Midlands
    Daihatsu Copen L880K (KMVZW)
    Ok I will the next time the noise returns

    Edit: I dropped off my sister at school and continued to college. The rattle was never to be heard on the journey. I also never exceeded 6k rpm but did do one hard acceleration (under 6k).
    I will report back when I get home after the journey home.

    Edit 2: During lunch break I went for a short but spirited drive, but the rattle was not to be heard. I will see if it returns on the way home.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2018
  5. AFR0N1

    AFR0N1 Copenworld Regular

    Mar 22, 2018
    East Midlands
    Daihatsu Copen L880K (KMVZW)
    Ok this is getting weird.
    On the way home there was no rattle, but when I got closer to home then I heard the rattle, so I continued to drive to a quiet road so I can start recording the noise and test for the noise.
    Just as I stopped the noise went away.
    Reving the engine out of gear-no noise.
    Reving in gear while stopped clutch in-no noise.
    I started to drive on this empty road while recording-no noise.
    I gave up and drove home-no noise.
    The rattling seems to randomly appear and disappear.
    After listening more closely I think it might be something inside the car. Specifically around where the fuse box thing is, next to the steering wheel.
  6. Vin Petrol

    Vin Petrol Copenworld Regular

    Jan 21, 2017
    2004 0.7 Copen
    New theory - you left a half-empty packet of Pocky in the little compartment over the fuse box?
    Tony likes this.
  7. copenforbusiness

    copenforbusiness Copenworld Member

    Sep 20, 2016
    1.3 Copen, CRV, Estima
    Hi @AFRON1, I had a similar rattling but it was only when the engine was idling. I don't think it would be the same problem, but worth a shot. In my case it was that the exhaust supports at the back were a bit bent upwards and that made the exhaust silencer get slightly closer to the undercarriage. When idling the exhaust moves more and, sometimes, hit the undercarriage.
    Not obvious, but not complicated either.
    Hope this helps, let me know when you find your packet of Pocky... ;)

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