Hi all, After several years lusting after a Copen, many many test drives and a period of owning a Suzuki Cappucino I have just brought my first Copen I am now (well soon to be) the owner of a gun metal 2007 Copen and im so excited / happy !! Anyone in the west mids look out for me James
Welcome to copenworld, and congratulations on the new purchase. I remember the first time I saw a Suzuki Cappuccino and I really loved it, although I've never been in one. I'd be very interested to hear how it compares to the Copen when you get it.
Hi! Whilst I loved my Cappo it scared me to death knowing that any damage done or major problems would result in one expensive bill. It was a great car to drive though, really like a rollerskate / go kart and could really fly! I almost prefer it to the original 600 cc copen as it had no power steering which made me feel happier when the turbo kicked and felt more solid than I found the old copens The roof whilst cool (you could change the roof to full convertible, T bar ot just roof off with back window) was a pain as you seemed to constantly drive looking up at the clouds as it was a real transformers style operation to get the roof on or off. One question, I had my cappucino sealed and rust protected all around (as I had to get new sills put on) is it worth doing this with an 07 copen and will it damage the warranty? James
Welcome to the site James and enjoy your Copen. The little Suzuki and the Honda Beat look great cars but I think the Copen wins if only for the roof. M.