Ok. So I bought a chrome knob for the handbrake. Looks very nice but....I haven't a clue how to fix it on! any advice gratefully received. Actually the first problem is that I don't know how to get the old one off Help!
ahh bugger so it does. Never watched it right through! thought he would have maybe something in there about that. Sorry!
Doh! Just thought I'd twiddle the knob (oh, matron!) and see if by any chance it simply unscrewed.....and guess what! It did! Then I screwed on the new knob (whoops, missus!) and it fitted....and it looks great! . What a berk
I had exactly the same problem when i fitted mine last year, it feels as though you are going to break something when you first twist it but then it unscrews easily! I'm glad you worked it out, I really must check copenworld while I am at work in case I can answer anyone's questions!