Just in time for Christmas, I'm pleased to present the Copenworld Winter Collection! There's a new "shop" tab at the top of the page where you can choose from a range of copenworld goods such as mugs, t-shirts and knickers! Items can be delivered throughout Europe, and to Japan, Canada or the USA. The items are customised for copenworld, but they're supplied direct from an internet retailer. Every purchase pays a small commission to copenworld, which will contribute towards the monthly running costs for the site. I hope you enjoy the merchandise, and I'd be interested to hear any feedback. Update 1: I've added several more products to the shop including umbrellas, bags and children's clothes. Update 2: There's now a new forum in the "Flea Market" section to leave comments about the shop, and to review any items you've bought.
Thanks for taking a look. I'll hopefully add a few more items to the shop in the near future. Everything looks a bit white, but most of the items in darker colours can't have custom graphics added to them. I'll keep looking for suitable new items to add though. Update: I've now added more items to the shop, and there is some colour in there now.
This looks interesting, I might add a couple of those items to my christmas list for my girlfriend to buy me
Please note that any items with plain text on them (such as "copenworld" or "copenworld.com" can be tailored to change the text. You can therefore make the text more personal, but note that this will affect your right to return the item if you decide you don't like it. Of course any defective items can always be returned whether they've been tailored or not. Items with graphics such as the Copen logo can't be changed (although you can select different colours for some items).
Excellent, thanks! You can leave a review in the new "Copenworld Shop" forum when it arrives if you wish.