In order to remove a front fender, I need to remove the plastic panel between the rear edge of the bonnet and the front bottom edge of the windscreen first to get to a last hidden bolt that holds the fender. I have removed the 5 screw-pins that secures the panel in front below the rear edge of the bonnet as well as the wiper arms, but something still prevents the panel at the rear from being lifted clear. I am not sure whether the panel is held with clips at the back and should be pulled upwards, or whether it slides out forwards. Can anybody help, please?
I'm sure it's held in with pop clips. I remember having to take it off a few years ago to replace a windshield glass. Took a bit of persuasion if I remember correctly.
Thanks dunf, you are right. It is held by 5 popclips and has to be pulled up hard at the back. Then it is still held by 2 clips at the outer edges and has to be pulled forward at the outer ends in order to slide off these clips. I managed to break only one of the popclips and the whole job took about 2 minutes.