Family Think I'm Mad

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Cynthia Lee, Oct 29, 2021.

  1. Cynthia Lee

    Cynthia Lee Copenworld Newbie

    Sep 27, 2021
    Wallasey, Merseyside
    Copen 1.3
    I saw a Copen in the car park of a local Costco. Was really taken with it, went to test drive one a distance away, then met the owner of the car I'd first seen. After interrogating the poor guy, in another car park. The very helpful guy who I questioned sent me a link to this group and a check list. I then found the car I would buy, nearly 240 miles away from my home. So armed with the guide and a long suffering brother, we drove, inspected, purchased and drove home, in one day. I've had a dent repaired, replaced a reversing light and have some other minor things to complete. Rain is getting in to the boot, though I can't work out where from, as it doesn't seem to be through the rear centre brake light. The car makes me smile, and I love driving him. I've never named a car before in my life, but think of him as a Clive, though haven't told the family that bit!

    The people who have worked on him so far say it's a Japanese import, but I don't know, wouldn't know how to tell, and am not sure if/how that matters.

    I've got lots of questions to ask and hope I don't wear out my welcome.
    sunlover and adatara like this.
  2. APPLEDjerry

    APPLEDjerry Copenworld Member

    Dec 13, 2019
    Shropshire-Welsh border
    'Lola': 2009 Copen 1.3 Silver
    'Griffin the Mule': Vauxhall Vectra Estate, 2008, 1.8, black.
    Welcome Cynthia. For your boot leak you should consider cleaning and treating all the rubber seals with a rubber conditioner. This will also quieten the seals around the roof sections, which can get quite squeaky if left dry. : rubber seal conditioner

    Another fix, which I haven't yet tried but I think could help, is to lift the boot seals, apply a layer of duct tape to the metal rim, then remount the seals, which should now sit just a little bit higher creating a more snug fit.
    Brad and Cynthia Lee like this.
  3. Cynthia Lee

    Cynthia Lee Copenworld Newbie

    Sep 27, 2021
    Wallasey, Merseyside
    Copen 1.3
    Thank you. I've checked the boot today and no water, so not sure if the replacement of the reversing light sorted out that problem. I'm going to keep an eye on it, as I don't want to wake up to a pond in there! I'll certainly look for the rubber seal conditioner, for Clive but also for the family car, as it surely can't hurt?

    When (if) I get the nerve to, I will think of tightening the roof bits, as someone has posted on another thread. It may be a while, and when there's better weather. :)
    Brad likes this.

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