Entered the dark side

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Coupon, Jul 11, 2024.

  1. Coupon

    Coupon Copenworld Newbie

    Jun 19, 2024
    Cope 1.3 Roadster
    Hi all
    Recently took the plunge into the world of Copen.
    Bought a 2008 1.3 (no idea how to put that in a signature).
    I've been lurking on the forum for a couple of weeks and reading posts/information when I get the chance.
    The little dinky toy is generally in good shape and doesn't appear to have any serious rust issues (as appears to be a common problem) as it's been undersealed. Some general little touch-ups on the paintwork, update infotainment, wheel refurb, forensic detail and should be good to go.
    There are some issues but I'll find somewhere more appropriate to post those.
    I have a feeling that I will end up spending way more on this car than I should but I think it's a great little thing.
    Thanks for letting me join!

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