Separate names with a comma.
Old Badger I was copen for something better than that! Thanks Dunf. I guess we all value things more when you have to work hard to them. And as...
Old Badger, having read many of your previous posts, you dont seem to need much encouragement, well, any encouragement to be fair. Thank you for...
Sorry old badger. It was a good joke,. Do you have any other copen jokes Hi redliz. Thanks for your input but im looking for a bargain 1.3....
Thank you for your commiserations harimscodd, and your words of encouragement Claire x Old Badger - I came across across a double entendre last...
I text the seller asking them to confirm if they had sold.the car so that I could a refund on my train ticket and they just.answered to.say they...
The longest ever introduction and I still dont even have a car! I think they sold it to someone else! They didnt send picures or respond to my...
Threepot - Easy tiger. Double Entendre's are my limit. As I've told you before, Im a lady :D
Hiramscodd - Ive got cruddy nails so I dont mind getting them dirty! Ive read many the rustproofing posts on this site and was saddened to see...
Her husband Scott, Dag. The've had the baby now. She couldnt fit in the car pregnant and the copen been stagnating on his parents drive ever...
Threepots I promise I'll show some topless photo's, I just need some more time, I am a lady afterall :D. Dag, Im in the middle of buying a...
I should be alright a for a while then old badger, I only take my top down when its really hot!!! ;) I did snigger childlishly when the seller...
I almost just want to buy it so I can tell "Alex" and remind him that if he's dealing with a single woman he needs to engender a bit more trust if...
Hi threepot, He's going to send me pics of the bumps under the paint. All servicing was done by a mechanic who was a friend of the family...
I've made contact with the sellers of the other copen. They seem really nice and genuine. Its got three keys. I forgot to ask about the...
I'm intrigued myself as to why he was so difficult. You'd think he would want to get the car sold. Maybe he doesnt want to let the go really after...
Hey Threepot, Ive never dealt with a car dealer before, I hope I dont have to again if thats what they're like. Im a totally legit buyer and his...
Hey Dag, I didnt see your reply. I didnt know you could check on the VIN status, so thanks for educating me. I cant figure out why the seller is...
Cheers Harimscold its even got a 007 reg plate. Ive emailed the seller. Lets see what happens
Thanks for the reply Harimscodd. I spoke to "Alex" a couple of hours ago. It was an interesting and brief conversation. I asked if he could...
Oh Dag thats a lovely offer. You're a star. If I do end up getting it I'll take you and your Mrs for a cup of tea and a cream bun ( I cant drink I...